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The ActiveTalker » end of the world


Posts Tagged ‘end of the world’

December 21, 2012

Today is the day, the Mayans “predicted”, the last day of the world. It is now 1 in the morning as I write this piece and still nothing happens. Partly because the timezone for the end of the world is based on the Mayan civilization coordinates.

However, I think they haven’t actually predicted the world will end ob this day, it is very much like calculating a figure with a scientific calculator and getting the “E” message, or an error message because the data you’re processing is “out of range”.

The Mayan Calendar may be limited in data, or probably, today is the last day of its last cycle the Mayans were able to calculate. So when people got hold of it, they must’ve interpreted that the world will end today.

I don’t believe the world will end today. First, I am not in my hometown with my family and parents. Secend, we have a grand alumni homecoming/reunion this coming 29th. And lastly, it is not how the bible says the world will end.

So, for me, the world WILL NOT END TODAY. And for parting words, “Faith is about taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” Happy Dec. 21, 2012! God bless us all, God bless the Mayans.

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