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The ActiveTalker » Rizal day


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Rizal Day

Today is Rizal Day, in honor of the Philippine National Hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal. A lot of people think today is his birthday. They’re wrong, today is actually his 116th death anniversary.

One of the reason why he was executed because of the novels “Noli me Tangere” (Touch Me Not) and “El Filibusterismo” (The Filibuster).

These novels tell the story of how Spanish friars abuse their power to take advantage of the people. His infamous character is “Padre Damaso“. He is known as a notorious priest.

They literally “corrupt” the minds of the Filipino masses. It has been 116 years since he died, but a lot of brave men still fights, not the Catholic Church, but the people who run it, just like the old days.

Even if you died more than a hundred years ago, your memory still lives on.

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