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The ActiveTalker » blogging


Posts Tagged ‘blogging’

Welcome To My New Address

This is supposed to be the first post in this blog, but I don’t know what to write. Maybe its first time jitters, or worse, writer’s block. I have been blogging for a couple of years now, but now, I will be using my own domain. My old blog was from a free blog hosting site and had its URL changed in a real domain name.

Thanks to my sister, I now have my own domain hosted by Tekkonsult. This will now inspire me to post regularly and I might also import some of posts in from my old blog.

My posts are basically about life, my everyday adventures, people I meet, things I see. I am a bit of a talker myself, so I will be sharing thoughts, experiences, and things that I find interesting (and useful).



I was thinking this past few days, what if I take blogging seriously? I know, I am a full-time instructor at the community college near our town. And now, I was designated as a guidance counselor of the school and facilitating the college entrance test. Plus, my daughter is growing up fast.

Can I do it? Can I be like my sister who balances being a SPED Teacher, a full-time mom, teacher to her home-schooling kids and a blogger. She writes about a lot of things and she earns while doing so.

Now, can I do it(again)? I think I have this “writer’s block”, as my friend quoted it. I have so many ideas running into my head, but the moment I sit down and begin to think of what I will write on my blog, BOOOM! I go blank.

Maybe this is a good start,  share a glimpse of what goes on in my life. Maybe later, I can get used to doing this.

I think this may be it for now. ‘Till the next blog post! God bless and stay sharp.

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