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The ActiveTalker » ride


Posts Tagged ‘ride’

My Jeepney Ride

So, here I am inside a jeepney and on my way to work and I thought of sharing this to you.

Everyday, I ride a jeepney to go to work. I get to experience a lot of things every 20 minutes inside the jeepney. Even when waiting for a ride, I am already exposed to a lot of things.

Let me begin a day’s journey in the street corner where I wait for a ride. Nowadays, the National and Local Elections just loom around the corner and politicians(and wannabe politicians), particularly at the local level, hires a lot of guys who drive around town in a vehicle with loud speakers. It can be very annoying sometimes, particularly the ones who use what they call “trompa” or speakers shaped like a trumpet. Some even play jingles that can really annoy you. Posters are eyesores, jingles are earsores(is there such a term as an earsore?).

At last, here comes the jeepney! Now, I can go to work in peace. But most of the time, the ride is not peaceful.

Sometimes, I would have to endure the old “manangs” talking loudly in their native dialect. I even had an experience wherein there was a girl(who looked like a boy clad in jejemon outfit) who was fast asleep. Her head kept on tossing sideways annoying other passengers beside her. I could tell if she’s drunk as I have anosmia(I lost my olfactory sensitivity).

Most of the time, the jeepney’s inner part, the seats behind the driver are vacant, but some passengers insist on sitting beside the door, or “estribo” as we call it in Filipino. As a result, all the other passengers on that side will have to adjust to let the passenger sit.

Those are just some of my everyday experiences on my way to work.

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